Philosophy, deism and the early Jewish enlightenme ... / Jonathan Israel, In: The Dutch intersection, 2008. - p. 173-201
Sephardi students at the University of Leiden ... / Yosef Kaplan, In: An alternative path to modernity, 2000. - p. 196-211
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[Ingezonden Stukken.] : [brief] ... / Felix Manus, Nieuw Isr. Weekblad, vol. 44(1908), nr. 1, p. [2].
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[geen titel] ... / S.I. Conia, Nieuw Isr. Weekblad, vol. 56(1920), p. 1=2.
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[geen titel] ... / S.I. Conia, Nieuw Isr. Weekblad, vol. 56(1920), p. 5.

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